Thursday, November 6, 2014

Top Toys for Babies Learning to Walk

Teaching a small child how to walk can be a challenging and frustrating task for new parents.While it is a struggle for all babies and most learn to walk at different ages, if you want to help them along, you might consider one of the following two toys. There are many other available, but these two are favorites with many parents. Both have received really good reviews all over the Internet. If you want to help teach your child autonomy while they are learning to walk, both of these are really good ideas.

The Step 2 Walker Wagon with Blocks is a great wagon system that is pushed, not pulled. This can help a young child learn to walk by giving them something to support themselves with. In addition, the storage area makes a great place to clean up toys so they don't end up all over the house. The Walker Wagon is just the right size for toddlers learning to walk. Included is a set of 16 foam blocks that will give them something easy and safe to put into the wagon so they can walk around. The wagon was designed with extra stability in mind. A child playing with this wagon can have fun and learn to walk - on their own - at the same time.

The Step Start Walk-N'-Ride is another wonderful toy to help a young child learning to walk. It was specially designed to teach two unique coordination skills. For one, there's the walking. As with the wagon, this gives your small child support so they can walk around on their own. When they're tired, they can "hop in" and ride around, improving their hand and eye coordination. At a great price and built with safety in mind, this is a great toy for babies learning how to walk.

There are many other push and pull toys out there designed to teach your child to walk. The biggest feature you should be after is stability and safety. When it comes to price vs safety, your child's safety should win. There are plenty of other toys out there to help teach toddlers how to walk, but these two are ones they will love while you're able to have peace of mind. Built with safety in mind, these "walking helpers" for children are bright, colorful, well designed, and loads of fun for babies wanting to walk on their own. That said, it is very important to always supervise your small child when they're using the walker. With more mobility, they may be able to reach a hot stove or other danger in your home. Watch your kids when they're learning to walk, especially with a walker.

K. Paul Mallasch is the publisher of Top Toys Blog 2010, where you can find more great information on educational toys and other tips for parents looking for the very best toys for 2010.

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Toys for Babies @ Amazon UK

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