Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby Toys and Learning

Babies, from the day they are born, are constantly learning about the world about them, they do this mainly through play. Introducing educational baby toys to your child can stimulate tiny minds and help develop them into happy, inquisitive toddlers.

At first, the best type of toys for your baby are those that hang above their head. As babies are unable to sit up until a few months old, laying down looking at a ceiling all day can get pretty boring! Babies also spend a lot of time in their cots so having a mobile hanging over the top is a great way to give them something to look at, and make them happy.

Babies cannot communicate verbally so instead they start by touching and feeling things. Learning toys are a great way to develop these skills, such as books with different textures on each page, shiny, rough, matt, soft, fluffy etc are readily available. This touching can then help bonding with parents as baby will now know how to reach out and touch faces, smiles, hair - life changing moments.

Noisy toys are also a great source of delight to babies, they can hold onto a rattle and shake it themselves, learning that they are controlling the noise. They also take delight in surprising themselves with a sudden noise. Rattles will advance into louder toys, but remember not all toys need to be expensive, experiment with household objects - try giving your baby a saucepan and a wooden spoon - guaranteed hours of fun (and lots of noise)

House hold objects as toys give babies the opportunity to copy their parents. For example toy phones, from a young age babies recognise what holding a phone looks like from seeing their parents holding one - although be careful, many toy shops sell the old fashioned types of phones with the receiver, my son had no idea this was a phone, so we gave him one of our mobile phones to play with and he knew in an instant to hold it to his ear or to press buttons.

Once your baby has better developed sensory skills and it really getting to grips with their baby toys, they will then have gained enough strength to investigate movement and ways to test their strength. This means a whole new set of toys, the old ones - such as the mobile over the cot will just get pulled down by now. Baby walkers are a great way for babies to start getting upwardly mobile! They can pull themselves up into a standing position and then use them to lean on as they move and walk. Do shop around for your baby walker though, there are a great variety of them about, some transform into little carts, or some have a carry bit for building blocks etc - more toys for your money!

Toys that involve mum or dad playing with them are always firm favourites with babies and means they are learning even though they don't realise it because they are having so much fun! Books with pull outs and flaps teach baby new skills, or how about puppets, talking puppets will help develop babies speech and they will love watching mum or dad putting on a show.

I hope this has given you some helpful ideas, and here is one last idea - don't buy all your toys new, buy second hand, toy swap with other mums, make toys from things you find around the house - be creative. Learning toys needn't cost a fortune.

By Nigel Frith

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