Monday, October 4, 2010

Play Ball With Your Seven Months Old Baby

Babies are always fascinated by things that roll and by the way they move. However, it takes some time for them to understand the exact way such objects move, but they will still want to play ball as much as possible.

Kids always try to catch the ball and watch its moves all the time. The mother can also get involved in the game, so that their baby has who to play with. In time, the babies will learn to throw the ball towards their mother. However, it takes a lot more time for the baby to learn how to kick the ball because they need to practise a lot and to develop their nervous system more in order to be able to make more complex moves.

There are a lot of ways to play with your baby once they reach the age of seven months or that of nine months because they start to understand things and they aren't amazed by the world quite as much. Of course, they will want to discover more and more things that they see around them, but they can also move, therefore, they have a more active way of playing. You can play hide-and-seek with them, this being one of the games they will always enjoy the most. Since they like discovering things so much, it is obvious that they will like it when you hide them away from them and they need to find them.

Babies are very surprising, but they are also very lovable, especially when you get to play with them and you see them smiling all the way.

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