Thursday, October 14, 2010

The G Scale Model Train - Big Toys For the Big Boys

Trains are not just toys for kids, especially now in a time where the hobby of collecting model railroads (or more popularly known as locomotives) are on the rise to become one of the world's oldest and most popular hobbies. The G scale locomotive, a large kind of locomotive, is gaining popularity as it is literally a big toy for a big boy.

Why are G scale trains so popular to hobbyists? G scale trains are popular for its large size (it is the largest of the most popular scales). The G scale is a part of the group of large scale trains which all run on a Number 1 gauge track (45 mm between rails). These model locomotives are calculated by the ratio of the toy train to a real train. The G scale locomotive boasts a ratio of 1:22 which means it is one twenty-second of the size of an actual train prototype. This means that it only takes 22 G scale locomotives lined up to match the prototype in length.

There are other popular types of large miniature trains. The O scale (still a part of the large train group) has a ratio of 1:48, lower than that of the G scale (actually half the size of the G scale). However, almost nothing can match the G scale locomotives in size. These locomotives are extremely large compared to regular toy trains.

G in the term G scale is believed to come from the term Garden Railroading. It can also be because of the German word groß. Groß literally means large which is appropriate in view of the fact that these models started out in Germany. These models are about 26.7 inches in length and 6.0 inches in height.

The first G scale locomotive was pioneered by Ernst Paul Lehmann. Patentwerk, a German company, referred to as Lehmann Gross Bahn (Lehmann Big Train in English) was founded on this type of train. Patentwerk started out in 1881. The company then branched out to the USA where LGB of America was founded. Aristocraft and Bachmann are only some of the well-known manufacturers of G scales in America.

G scale locomotives are also perfect for children since small trains are not suitable for kids. These trains are easily broken due to their small size. With their small parts and potential choking hazards, these trains aren't kid's toys. The N scale is only about 4.8 inches in length and about 1.1 inches in height, thus making it a small train unfit for kid use.

G scale locomotives are recommended for outdoor types of hobbyists. Since G scale trains are very durable and are suitable for gardens. The G scale tracks are usually brass-made so these types of trains do not need to be maintained a lot. Sometimes, a solitary swab of clean cloth on the tracks is all you need to keep it clean. These big locomotives are popular in the market nowadays due to the fact that they are very durable, thus making them last for a long, long period of time and can be handed down to different generations.

The hobby of collecting miniature locomotives is a good way to release the inner child in you. Especially with the G scale model train, it is truly a big toy for the big boys.

James Stonebright is a model train enthusiast and loves collecting the different types of toy model train. For more great information on G Scale Model Trains [], visit [].

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Toys For Girls - Top 5 Toys to Encourage Creative Play For Girls

Even in these modern times, it's hard to deny the fact that boys and girls enjoy playing with different types of toys from a young age. While you're likely to find a little boy playing with cars or action figures, it's more likely that little girls will enjoy playing with dolls, cute animal figures and anything that helps them imitate their mothers.

If you're stuck for gift ideas for a little girl this article will give you a starting point in helping you decide on the perfect present. Remember to take into account the personality of the child you're buying for. Some little girls may be quiet and creative and love a craft set, whereas others may be more outgoing and prefer a more sociable toy that can be enjoyed with other friends.

There are several categories of toys that are perennial favorites with girls for year after year and the most popular of these are listed below:

1. Dolls

There's nothing that a little girl loves more than a baby doll to take care of and mother like a real baby. Dolls have been the toy of choice for little girls for hundreds of years, ranging from handmade rag dolls to expensive porcelain collector's items to modern plastic dolls with their own sets of outfits and accessories.

Once a girl has a favorite dolly there's no shortage of gift ideas as there are many accessories and toys designed for the purpose of being played with alongside dolls - doll's prams, doll's clothes, play tea sets and so on.

2. Doll's Houses

Another favorite of little girls for generations, doll's houses can range from simple cardboard boxes to expensive wooden replicas of real houses, complete with miniature furniture. Children love creating a make-believe world in the doll's house and this type of play is great for encouraging imaginative thinking. Doll houses are a gift that can last for many years, passed down from mother to daughter and doll's house accessories are highly collectible.

3. Pretend-Play Sets

Little girls love to copy their mothers and this type of play is very important for emotional and social development. Cooking and food is a very popular theme for play sets - children love pretending to prepare food and then feeding it to their dolls and teddies. Other popular themes are based around occupations - your child can be a nurse today, a teacher tomorrow and a vet the day after! Children will naturally play these games without any props but a suitable play set can prompt and enhance the play.

4. Dress-Up Outfits

Another way to encourage pretend play - what little girl wouldn't love to be a fairy or a princess? Children love having their own dress-up box full of outfits to choose from and don't forget to add accessories - their outfit won't be complete without a fairy wand or a princess crown!

5. Craft Sets

Nearly all children love to create their own little works of art and craft sets can be a great way to encourage creative development. There are hundreds of different types of craft sets available to buy - paint and pens; glitter and stickers; knitting and crochet; beads and jewelry - the possibilities are endless! A favorite craft set can turn into a real hobby for an older child and provide hundreds of hours of entertainment.

For more information about dolls, doll's prams and other toys for girls, visit Doll's Prams World

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How to Handle Your Son Playing With Dolls and Girls Toys

It is a common concern: your son is playing with a pretty pink doll, or similar feminine toy, and could do so for hours. Possibly he is rarely interested in boy toys such as cars or playing sports. You might catch him playing dress-up with his sisters, here they come down the hall, the sisters looking like beautiful princesses and then your son, nicely decked out in pink princess heels with matching princess dress and tiara.

A mother or father might be concerned about how normal her son is, and how he will get along with other boys. It may make the parent-child relationship difficult, a parent not willing to role play a princess game with their male child playing a princess. Some families depending on their beliefs may be concerned about the childs sexual preferences, and how this might impact a parents hopes of their child carrying on the family name and reputation.

First, to address this issue in a generic manner - it IS normal for boys to play with girl toys depending on the age. For example, a child of approximately under the age of 6 has little identity in terms of male vs. female and what that means. They see a toy, it looks bright, colorful, or shiny, they want to play with it. This is especially true if thieir playmate that is available happens to be a girl.

You may want to consider taking action with an older child if they have yet to form any specific identity. For example, most kids over the age of 6 will begin to form opinions or preferences toward male vs. female. A child might tell you he will not use the pink cup and wants the blue cup as an example.

If you have a younger child and you are concerned, the best thing to do is to allow some of this feminine play. If you constantly deny it, it may turn in to a behavioral issue where the boy will play with girl toys because it pushes your buttons.

A father might show his preference to participate in play with the son if the father is able to play a male character. It is important not to say anything insulting or derogatory, but simply to be firm in the preference. For dress-up, you should be sure there are appropriate clothes available for the boy, and to suggest that those clothes go well with the dress up game being played - princess, prince, etc.

An older child you can use similar techniques, but if it persists, you should consider talking with a therapist or other specialist to have assurance that everything is normal.

Autisic children, or kids on the spectrum (aspergers, pdd-nos, nld) may be a little more tricky. They often take longer to form their identity and it is difficult for them to make friends which contributes to the problem. Have patience, and be sure you have a resource for you and the child to discuss concerns or issues such as a therapist.

Find additional books related to behavior and ASD

Get regular tips and information at the AAIG news site

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Best Toddler Toys For Girls

Wish you had a list of the best toddler toys for girls? Some of the sweetest times you'll have with your toddler are the times when they want to pretend to be all grown up. The world of grownups appeals to children and playing house has always been a favorite activity to play among toddler girls.

From cooking food on playsets of pots and pans to putting the food onto plastic play dishes, kids can always find the fun. While playing house, one thing little toddler girls enjoy having is their very own baby to take care of.

They'll spend hours talking to their baby, feeding it and rocking it to sleep, even going so far as to shush anyone talking loudly so their wee one doesn't wake up too soon from a nap.

There are special dolls made just for your special toddler and one of those dolls is the Corolle Mon Premier Calin Candy Pink doll. It's a 12 inch doll that's just the perfect size for a toddler's arms. This award winning doll is soft and easy to take care of plus, you can buy related accessories to go along with the doll that will equip your toddler to be a great mom - just like her own!

Even when they're quieter, toddlers still like to engage in play. When the hours of busy play are winding down, your little one will enjoy being able to 'read' books on her very own with the LeapFrog Tag Junior book pal.

Because kids at this age are still learning through touch, by using the Book Pal, they'll be introduced to the wonderful world of reading in a way that holds their interest. With 130 responses as they go through the book, toddlers will want to come back again and again to discover more. The system has the ability to keep five books and the different theme in the books focuses on skills that toddlers can easily understand.

Every toddler needs a first purse that she can carry around just like the grown ups have that she looks up to. The purse should have all the items considered essential for a purse. Items such as a wallet, a mirror, keys, cell phone and lipstick.

You'll find all those and more with the International Playthings My First Purse and it comes in a cute purple color sure to dazzle your little girl. The purse is roomy enough for you to be able to add a few extra touches such as a pair of sunglasses and a dainty hairbrush for those important hair touchups.

The best toddler toys for girls list isn't a one size fits all. It will depend on the personality of your little girl. Some may want a tool set just like Daddy, some may thrive on educational toys while others get into more artistic or creative toys.

Find more gift ideas for your toddler girl or find gift ideas for the rest of the family at today!

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Disney Princess Toys For Little Girls

The Disney princesses can be good role models for little girls. They all have different personalities, though they are all kind, independent, intelligent, and beautiful. Some Disney princesses are more old-fashioned, while some are rebellious and free-spirited. With Disney princess toys little girls can enjoy pretending to be their favorite princess and they can continue their adventures.

The Disney princesses are not all the main heroines from animated Disney movies, as not all Disney heroines are princesses. For instance, Mulan is a Disney heroine who is strong and beautiful, but she is not a princess. Tinkerbelle and Wendy are also characters that girls like, but they are not princesses so they are not a part of the collection. Also, animal characters like Nala who are princesses are not included: only human princesses are.

The princess that are included are Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Aurora, Snow White, and Jasmine. Tiana, the newest princess, is also now an ensemble member. She is not included in many illustrations of the group of princesses, but she probably will be someday. Her products, along with those of Mulan and Pocahontas, are included among the Disney princess collections. However, Tiana is the only one of the three who is actually considered one of the group.

Some "princesses" also are not really princesses until the end of their respective movies, as they married into it. Tiana, Cinderella, and Belle are all princesses that are included because they eventually became princesses.

So what can a little girl do with these toys? Well, there are many different types of toys to choose from. There are special movies and video games that feature the princesses. Girls can enjoy getting into the world of the princesses through watching them or playing them interactively. Video games can help them to experience the princesses' lives.

The toys that are available vary greatly in terms of types of toys. There are castles, dolls, plush toys, action figures, play sets, cooking sets, learning activities, bikes, among many other products. With all of these possibilities, a little girl's room can even be decorated completely in princesses, with all of her toys related to the princesses. The toys can give them many hours of enjoyment with their favorite heroines.

Princess products can be purchased in Disney parks such as Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and Euro Disney. At these parks girls can dress up like their favorite princess and also enjoy seeing many products that have to do with the princesses. There are many toys, outfits, souvenirs, and activities that can be bought that feature the princesses. Some of these products are only available at the parks, though some can also be bought in stores or online. Online many different princess products are available.

With these toys, little girls can continue to enjoy the princesses from their favorite movies. They can find just about any type of toy that they want that features their favorite princess. The amount of products available make the toys great for gifts for one's little princess.

Discover the right Disney Princess doll toys for your girl. There are many Disney Princess toys that you can find at great prices.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Best Toys for Girls Who Love Animals

Little girls often have an affinity for animals and not just horses. Puppies, lambs, kittens and basically anything cute and cuddly - young girls just seem to go all lovey-dovey when confronted with beautiful animals and toy animals are no different. So if you have a daughter or young friend who loves animals and want to offer her a suitable gift then this list of great animal themed toys will help you.

Generally girls who love animals love to care for them as well. Being a veterinarian is a natural step and there are a number of role play costumes and kits to help kids get into the feel of playing vets and caring for their animals, plush or otherwise.

Learning resources has a great veterinarian dress-up kit as do Melissa and Doug. Most dress-up kits include a regular blue vet's uniform with a few medical instruments while others include paperwork and a couple even come with animal carriers and a sick plush animal to care for. Whichever you choose, your animal loving girl is sure to be healing her stuffed animals in no time.

If dress-ups is not her style, try these play figures instead. Calico Critters is a brand of animal figures that wear clothes, live in houses and drive cars. The brand has been around for more than twenty years and proven to be popular with girls of all ages. The critters live in families and animals featured include mice, hedgehogs, frogs and monkeys. They are very cute and durable and can be played with using dollhouses you may already have.

Girls also like more realistic animal figures and no one comes more realistic than Schleich. Schleich animals are better known for being the makers of the Smurf PVC figures but they also have an extensive range of small hand-painted animal figures of all kinds including a large horse theme. Collectors value the Schleich range for their accuracy and durability and at a low price point it is easy to build up a collection quickly.

These are just a few of the best toy options available to encourage a young girl's love of animals and perhaps even spur her on to a future as a veterinarian or zoo keeper!

Inger loves stories and loves to write. As a librarian in a previous life she also has an insatiable thirst for general knowledge. You can visit her latest website which takes a look at the Best Learning Toys for kids like Playmobil Toys and Calico Critters.

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Common Baby Girl Toys

Even at this very modern generation, kids still love playing toys that come in various forms. While we commonly see little boys playing cars or robots, girls too have their own preference when it comes to toys. There are different choices when it comes to baby girl toys-from dolls to cooking sets.

If you are currently looking for some interesting gifts for a little girl, this article will serve as your practical guide on the toys that little girls love to have. For you to buy the perfect gift to the recipient, however, you need to consider the personality of the kid who will receive the gift. Below is a list of the most common toys little girls love to have:

1. Dolls

With no doubt, almost every little girl, if not all, love playing dolls. They tend to imitate their mothers and play as if they are taking care of a real baby. For hundred of years, already dolls have been a big part of every woman's childhood. Some adult women actually collected expensive dolls since they could not let go of this obsession. Dolls also come in different clothes and accessories that you can also consider.

2. Doll's Houses

These are different purchases from dolls, and are also loved by most little girls. They are replica of real houses that come with complete mini pieces of furniture. Little girls will feel that they actually maintain a real household through these doll's houses. These kinds of toys encourage the little girls to develop their imagination.

3. Pretend Play Sets

Little girls have this tendency to mimic their mothers. Pretend play sets are among their favorites since they are given the chance to act like their mothers. These toys help in the social and emotional development of kids. The most common theme for pretend play sets are food and cooking. Recently, some other themes are available like pretend play sets for teachers and nurses. Little girls really enjoy these play sets, and you should consider giving them at least one theme.

4. Dress-UP Outfits

This is another way of pretend play. Little girls love dressing up in different themes and ways. Some love dressing up like their moms, some like a princess or a fairy. You can provide your little girls some customers and accessories and allow them to play on their own.

5. Craft Sets

A lot of little girls love playing with arts and crafts. Buying craft sets for your little girl helps in developing her creative side. You can do the craft with her, and allow her to do things on her own. You are there just to guide her. Never impose what you want so she would learn how to think on her own. This could turn into a creative hobby.

These are just some of the most common baby girl toys you can buy in the market. There are some other that can be bought that can also be more high-end that the traditional toys for kids.

Like to knows more on the baby girls toys? you can read additional interesting articles on my blog here [].

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Play Ball With Your Seven Months Old Baby

Babies are always fascinated by things that roll and by the way they move. However, it takes some time for them to understand the exact way such objects move, but they will still want to play ball as much as possible.

Kids always try to catch the ball and watch its moves all the time. The mother can also get involved in the game, so that their baby has who to play with. In time, the babies will learn to throw the ball towards their mother. However, it takes a lot more time for the baby to learn how to kick the ball because they need to practise a lot and to develop their nervous system more in order to be able to make more complex moves.

There are a lot of ways to play with your baby once they reach the age of seven months or that of nine months because they start to understand things and they aren't amazed by the world quite as much. Of course, they will want to discover more and more things that they see around them, but they can also move, therefore, they have a more active way of playing. You can play hide-and-seek with them, this being one of the games they will always enjoy the most. Since they like discovering things so much, it is obvious that they will like it when you hide them away from them and they need to find them.

Babies are very surprising, but they are also very lovable, especially when you get to play with them and you see them smiling all the way.

If you like bouncers, you and your baby can now visit us at

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Buying Baby Toys - A Parents Guide

A mother or father must provide a toy or a plaything to their baby. The toys are the baby's 1st best friend. Yet, what type of toy will you be giving to your baby? There are a lot of toys to pick from. Prior to scanning store isles while buying toys for the baby, keep in mind to purchase toys which can't be broken easily. A broken toy or doll could be dangerous as the parts will allow the baby to imagine that its food and may attempt to swallow it. This isn't very good if he should swallow something from a broken toy or doll.

Month 0 to 1

The infant possesses senses that are limited and toys that offer stimulation could be helpful. The baby possesses vision that is extremely limited, so toys that have strong contrasting movement and colours are appropriate. A cot mobile brightens up the room and offers stimulation. Plain activity gyms on the floor additionally offer stimulation. Rattles always are accepted by babies.

Month 1 to 3

The baby is developing quickly and will begin to lift his or her head and discover that his or her world is different! Some play mats and activity gyms offer reaching shapes that baby could begin to "hit". Rattles that are connected to some foot socks are additionally good for kicks on the mat. This kind of toy encourages the hand to eye coordination development and motor skills. The utilization of some texture is vital and toys that have several sounds and materials are loved.

Month 3 to 6

This includes an exciting period as the baby will become more curious about his or her environment and his or her mouth! The baby will enjoy picking up tiny toys and turning them over in his or her hand - prior to experiencing an enjoying chew!

Toys that have sounds will intrigue the baby, yet keep in mind that you'll be required to deal with the tunes! Designs which mix numerous sections or different parts, such as stacking blocks, offer stimulation. The baby could be given books - perhaps books that have animals that will offer the grandparents opportunities to practice the farmyard sounds.

Month 6 to 9

Baby might be sitting up now as well as attempting to crawl, so toys that will encourage some crawling are great. These include toys that could roll like balls that are soft with textures or wooden balls. This includes a great period to introduce some books that have hand movement and nursery rhymes, perhaps with CDs to aid with singing!

Month 9 to 12

The baby's on the move! Crawling and sitting now is familiar and furniture walking is lots of fun - but only a tiny bit unstable. A four wheel trolley that has a handle encourages mobility. The baby is beginning to be independent and is exercising his or her options of play items. Picking a certain toy from a box is an aspect of the development. Manual dexterity is vital, so the toy that might be separated or opened and picked up is fun. The baby now will love toys that have music and might possess a toy that is special (be sure you include a backup toy that is special just in case there's a loss).

Jenny Talorman is an amateur writer with a special interest in education, young development and educating others on a range of topics which include; baby toys, the role of children's toys and games in development, young peoples' issues and even baking. If you have any feedback on this article please feel free to get in touch.

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Should I Buy Baby Toys That Are Fun, Or Educational?

The great parenting debate

It's a dilemma that you'll face quite a few times throughout your parenting life - do you go for something that you know the kids will love and go crazy over (usually either junk food or based on a TV character), or do you buy something that's healthy - for either their body or mind? Fortunately, it's a topic that you won't have to tackle for some months after you become a parent, as there is little difference in toys for babies. Today we explore how you can create a healthy mix of 'fun' baby toys and educational baby toys from ages 0-3.

Before their first birthday

Before your child turns one, there is actually no debate to have. Every single toy you can offer your baby is educational... no matter how fun it looks. There's no way to 'spoil' your under-1 year old with toys. It doesn't matter how much advertising a toy contains, and how pointless it seems to an adult, all baby toys can be learned from equally and drooled on equally at this age. Even some of those that are ordinarily vilified...

Is television good for my baby?

Yes, even television has plenty to teach young kids - the stimulation of bright colours and music, the challenge of pattern recognition, as well as the abundant human faces (which babies are pre-programmed to pay attention to) mean that television can be a great learning experience for babies. Of course, your child can have too much of a good thing - the key is balance.

Into toddlerhood

As your child moves into toddlerhood, you'll start to have to focus on creating a mix of 'fun' time and educational time. Some children naturally pay little attention to advertising and television, and would far prefer to be playing with age-appropriate puzzles or challenge-based toys, getting muddy in the garden, or being read to. And of course, it's wise to let your children lead if they naturally lean towards activities that will stimulate their learning. In other situations though, you'll need to provide alternating 'fun' and educational experiences in terms of toys, television and activities.

The case for 'fun' baby toys

Here are some pertinent points when you're thinking about baby toys for over-1s that are purely for fun:

• All toys, even fun-based toys, provide some level of education at this age

• Toys that your child finds fun will likely get played with more often, making them both better value for money and more likely to help him learn

• Children usually stop finding toys fun when they stop teaching them something...

However, you do need to make sure (especially with older toddlers) that they don't fall into a mental rut where they habitually play with baby toys that they find 'easy'. If you notice this, you'll need to take the lead and start showing them how to use baby toys for older ages, helping them build confidence.

The case for educational baby toys

Educational baby toys are usually thought of as those that help build those skills that will be used in formal education. For example, shape naming and recognition toys, colour matching toys, and any baby toy that has a 'purpose' and presents a significant challenge can be thought of as educational. Here's why it can be great to use these baby toys to push your toddler past the boundaries of fun:

• Educational toys can instil a sense of pride in achievement which is very useful later in life

• Building the skills of traditional education means that your child will feel more comfortable and confident in a kindergarten or school environment, and therefore do better

• Educational toys usually need parental involvement... it's a great excuse to spend time with them!

Babybuds is one of Australia's leading online gift retailers specializing in quality and affordable baby gifts, baby toys, baby clothes and bouquets. To give beloved friends and family a gift for their child that they will truly appreciate and for easy selection and delivery, Babybuds has all that you could need. Find great baby toys now!

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Plastic Baby Toys - Are They Truly Dangerous?

Within your weird, frenzied planet, it's hard to be able to even complete a simple decision on something, isn't it? To illustrate, you want to choose your son or daughter's initial infant toy, but which one could you select?

Now, it can be uncomplicated when picking your infant plaything to think about what you think the baby would want. That can be a colossal blunder. What exactly is your son or daughter interested by? Just what colours or creatures will they interact well to? Just what stimulus will they respond effectively to? Now, think about what colors, shapes and animals they hate. Are they afraid of any animals or creatures? Steer clear of those shapes, colors and animals!

You should contemplate plush toys and games as your child's first toy vehicle. Not only are they soft and cuddly, they usually are made in characters and animals your child will find appealing.they normally are made in popular puppy shapes and characters your child is acquainted with. Not only will your child learn more about animals and shapes (from you, not the toy), the plush baby toys can be a wonderful sleeping or napping companion. What's more, your son or daughter's plush toy can reduce the concern of resting by themselves. Finally, plush toys don't have any moving parts or bits and pieces that can fall off and hurt your child.

You should always make sure that when purchasing your plush toy, they don't contain moving parts or dangerous hazards.

Trying to find an alternative solution to plush? Try a plastic baby toy. The plastic toys often glow and make all sorts of interesting sounds, and can appear in the form of puzzles that your infant loves to answer.

The frightening aspect of these toys is that they often have dangerous moving parts or pieces that can cause a overall health risk to your baby.

So now you have a good idea of the positives and negatives of plush and plastic toys.. These 2 kinds of baby toys are sure winners in any household. If your child is a boy, try a play pen toy or a construction set. If you have a baby girl, you might select a tea set with different figurines or a newborn doll home.

Always be mindful of any kind of choking problems before you purchase your baby toy, but if you're able to find the money for it, you need to get both a plush and a plastic newborn toy. Sure you could stick with one or the other, but you might as well grab both while you can.

Finally, move on the world wide web to or and find yourself a few good discounts on plastic-type and plush baby toys and games! Most of these websites generally have a used section (inside Amazon it's under the New price ranges), and utilizing these techniques, you may save a king's ransom if you hit the right time or vendor. OverStock has many times got good deals as well, so make sure to check out each of those web sites for offers. One additional web site is Sure, you actually do have to place a bid with regard to your plush toys or plastic toys, but it's really worth it in case you may get something for a song.

Then, this is what you do: Get hold of even more creative concepts and even bits of advice about plush infant gifts at our Florida Baby Plan

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Organic Baby Toys - The Safe Choice for Your Baby

Think twice before letting your baby play with that new toy you just bought. Is it safe? What is it made out of? Many well-intentioned parents do not consider the dangers present in the baby toys they purchase. This article explains the dangers that may be present in these toys and why organic baby toys are the safe choice for your baby.

It is not the aim of this article to discuss some of the more obvious dangers that may be found in infant toys. These include sharp edges, small pieces (such as buttons) that can be bitten off and swallowed, and parts that can pinch a baby's skin. These are valid concerns. However this article concentrates on the less obvious and usually more over looked dangers involving chemicals present in non-natural toys. There are many toxic chemicals that are legally used in the production of toys. For example polyvinyl chloride, and phthalates that can be found in almost all plastic toys. Residual pesticides can be found in toys made of cotton. There are no studies linking the presence of these chemicals in baby toys to cancer or any other ailment. However many parents are playing it safe and opting for organic baby toys. These parents are not willing to wait for what future research may discover about the dangers that these chemicals present. Organic toys are made without the use of chemicals. The manufacturers of these all natural toys use all natural ingredients to produce toys you can feel safe giving to your baby.

Examples of organic baby toys (natural baby toys) include:

- Plush toys, such as a blanky, made from 100% organic cotton. Cotton grown without the use of pesticides and other chemicals used on crops.

- Wooden toys, such as rattles, not painted at all or painted with natural dyes.

- Rubber toys, such as a teething ring, made from rubber grown organically that does not contain any chemicals.

A baby's body is still developing and is much more susceptible to dangerous chemicals than are adults. The fact that they will be cuddling with their toys and putting them in their mouths compounds the concerns over dangerous chemicals being present. Organic infant toys are becoming increasingly popular as information about the dangers of non natural baby toys becomes available. There are many on-line stores that offer true organic toys.

William Mader runs the website Good for Baby. You are invited to visit at This site provides important information on many types of organic baby products. This site also provides information on baby safety, BPA free bottles, and infant learning.

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Benefits of Baby Plush Toys

A plush toy is often a stuffed toy much like a teddy bear or some sort of children's television character, it is made of a cotton stuffing with velvet and other textile materials forming the outer layer. The whole toy is stitched together to create a virtually harmless, colourful fun looking object which children often enjoy playing with. These toys are often seen as a children's friend. These plush toys come in a variety of sizes, the biggest plush toys can often be bigger than the child that would play with it, and conversely they can also be incredibly small.

These toys can be used in many different ways. They usually serve as a friendly face to sleep with, they could be characters which children use in role-playing games. They can also be a medium for a child to feel that it is contacting the character its self. Also the children feel an obligation to look after and take care of the toy, giving the child a toy to look after can be a very constructive task as the child will pick up many pieces of information from looking after its very own plush toy.

There are various different benefits of plush toys, ranging from educational reasons to just being a decorative object in a child's room. They can often comfort a child in times of need and make a child feel safe and secure, as the child places trust in a familiar face. A distressed child will often seek its favourite toy over a parent or carer because it is something close to their heart. The toy can also offer a variety of stimulus which helps the child learn. The stimulus can be the texture of the toy, or maybe the smell, it could even be the colour of the toy as teaching a child all of these things and adding a friendly face to these newly taught items will create a connection which will help a child to remember the information much easier than without anything to associate with it, hence why almost all children's education programs have a life size plush toy or fictional character to present the show.

They can be seen as the best type of toy to give your child for all the reasons stated above. They can even be collected as many children strive to enhance their plush toy collection, maybe they want the newest video game inspired plush to have a set which they can play with. Overall they greatly develop a child's creativity along with many other vital skills, the positive stimulus it places on the brain can be very constructive in aiding the brain to mature naturally. Children who have been raised playing with wonderful colourful and interesting plush toys are often more inquisitive, happier and have a heightened aptitude for learning, all this combines makes them one of the ultimate toys to give your child.

Visit Baby Plush Toys to find Gift Ideas for Children and Grown-ups Alike.

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Make Your Baby Happy and Offer Him the Right Toys!

Toys make all of us happy and even if we have a certain age, we still love toys! There is no" he is too young for toys" or " he is too old for toys"! We can all play and use toys for fun! Babies can use toys too, even if they are so small! You just need to know which are the appropriate toys for them in order to make them feel good and to keep them safe!

Toys help children develop their senses - their sight, their hearing and their touching sense. This is why all the baby toys are made of different materials and have bright colors and are also musical in order to stimulate all their senses.

Some of the best baby toys are Steiff animals. These are plush toys which are usually made in from Germany, which have a button in their ear - this button is used to make the toys sing. Steiff baby animals have a soft body and it is really safe for babies. They have bright colors and they look very sweet.

Educational toys are also great for babies because they help them develop their senses and learn new things. There are all kind of kits which have different toys in order to satisfy all the needs that a baby might have.

Toys are used in order to stimulate a baby's creativity, their imagination and concentration and help him learn how to play and how to share. Most of the toys create a special bound between babies and their parents helping them develop their communication skills.

There are also toys which are especially made for children with special needs: these ones are specially designed for these children needs". they help them develop their sight, their hearing and their movement skills.

When you buy toys for your children you should also consider another factor: are they safe for him? Look for toys which are not small and cannot be swollen, for toys which do not have sharp edges - this could hurt your child, and for toys which are not made of multiple pieces. The safety of your baby is the most important of all.

Look for colorful toys because your baby will love them and they will help him improve and develop his sight! Musical toys for babies are great because help your child develop his hearing!

Psychologists say that playtime is one of the ways of helping children develop their social skills so offer him the chance to play every day - it will make him happy!

Adrian is the editor of this article. He also writes for This is a website where you can find out more about new born baby gifts.

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Developmental Baby Toys

Children have a lot to learn, and they do this largely through play, so developmental baby toys are a fantastic way to help your child's development.

When your baby is born, their brain is wired up in a very random manner. The brain consists of millions of neurons, and hundreds of millions of synapses - the wires that connect one neuron to another. Initially the wiring is random, but as the brain gets feedback from the environment, some of the synapses strengthen, some weaken or even disappear. This is how we learn.

Developmental baby toys are designed to help build your child's basic skills. Initially this would be the senses - a baby does not know how to interpret light, sound, touch, etc., and so the brain has to decipher the mass of colour, sound etc. into something it can deal with. We do this automatically now - our brains have learnt, but a baby's hasn't. Then comes basic motor skills, crawling, walking, talking, and basic cognitive ability. Your baby's toys can help with all of these things.

In the early stages - birth to 6 months, your baby will be developing senses, and basic motor skills, so things like mobiles are great for developing sight. Mobiles provide recognisable shapes and patterns that move smoothly through their environment, that a baby can fix their attention on, and also they'll try reaching for it which helps develop motor function. Another toy that's great at this stage of development is play mats, these help develop motor skills, and the tactile sense.

In the later stages - 6 months to 1 year, the child will be moving on to more advanced motor skills, and simple cognitive function, so toys that help them learn to walk, (such as pushing and pulling toys), and toys that will engage their reasoning such as very simple puzzles, and blocks will help here.

The wrong kinds of toys for your child's current stage of development will do very little to help them - for example if you gave a puzzle to a child of 3 months, they wouldn't be able to interpret their environment in a way that's sufficient to understand the point of the puzzle, and hence it would be a meaningless toy.

So it's important to pay attention to your child's current stage of development - you should be giving them toys that will enable them to practice their current focus in development. It's pretty simple stuff, but if your child has learnt to crawl, and is now faltering on two feet, give them toys that will help them practice walking. If they're learning to talk, play phones with them. If you understand at what developmental stage your child is, you can do a lot to help them by giving them the developmental baby toys that will aid learning at their current stage.

If you're interested in learning more, please visit Developmental baby toys.

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