Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baby Toys That Help Your Baby's Development For Up to One Years Old

There are many things you need to help your baby develop during this early stage and the most important things are feeding, changing and lots of love from the parents and family of course. All too soon that little bundle of joy will start to become a little person who has his or her own personality and starts to look around and begin to learn about the world around him or her.

It will start with shiny or light objects such as jewellery, television or your mobile phone and once your baby starts observing these things, they are ready and aware of the world around them, enough to start interacting with things.

There are many items on the market that improve a baby's development and help stimulate their world but the following items are ones that will cover all the aspects important for your baby.

A Shape Sorter - There are many models out there made from various materials like wood and plastics. Some will make sounds as the shapes are put through the container and some are more basic, but it will not matter to your baby. At this stage, they're learning from you, so it will be all about your interactions with the shape sorter that they will learn what it's all about. Talking about what the shapes are and their colours and where they go and celebrating when you have put the shape through, will all be your actions to begin with but as baby grows, they will hold the shapes and then learn to put them in. Once they are toddlers, they can tell you the shape and colours too. This toy will be one you play with and learn from, then hide it for a few months and then play with again and see how much your child has developed in terms of knowledge and understanding, as well as physical skills.

Stacking Cups - They are also great beginner toys, as to begin with your baby will simply hold them and may even hold two one in each hand and bang them together, which is an important part of their first years development. As your baby progresses, you can really play with them, stacking up the cups as fast as you can, before they knock it down and then on to them trying to stack the cups on their own. Again talking about size and colour can go hand in hand with stacking cups and you can even get creative and hide things under them to see if baby remembers which cup it's under. This toy will also be hours of fun at this early stage and they will learn so much through the interaction with you.

Books are an amazing way for your baby to learn and there are hundreds of different types out there from bath books to buggy books, textured books, flap books, noisy books, alphabet and character books. Your baby will love looking at simplistic colourful pictures and hearing your voice, so books are the perfect way to help a child learn the basics of phonics, which is the key to communication through speaking and reading and writing later on in life.

Anyway you can stimulate your child's world will help them to learn something new, which is the cornerstone of their development, and if you can have fun too, you are helping them be happy and contented.

Felicity is a freelance journalist, writing occasional articles in the US about free SSL certificates for SSL 247, who specialise in GlobalSign and VeriSign SSL certs

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