Monday, November 1, 2010

Balance Bikes - The Best Seller Ride on Toy for Toddlers

Choosing a ride on toy that offers value for money and looks like something our child would ride is normally the first starting point. Factor in the safety advice from the manufacturers and it can get very confusing. Some parents do not get any further down the decision process and go for the bright shiny one their child was clambering to get at, on the last shopping trip. I was also guilty of this - until I discovered the balance bike for my own children!

Could there be much else to consider when choosing an outdoor toy! I learnt there is...

Most of us come home with a shiny, plastic, push handled tricycle that looks great and will promise to adapt with our ever growing kids, but only to find it's the very last thing our child wants to play with long term.

Most children get very bored sitting in them as they are so difficult to pedal, whilst we struggle to get them up and down curbs without them tipping over and even going in a straight line is hard work. If you have to take a buggy for a younger child at the same time then you require two adults!

Then we reach for bikes with stabilisers in the hope that our children will be able to do something for themselves, but maybe we shouldn't be surprised that this doesn't happen as quickly as we would like. Perhaps it is due to the feeling of insecurity that the child experiences after all that rocking from one stabiliser to the other. Add the difficulty of trying to master handlebar brakes that were never really designed with little fingers in mind and you can see how this way of learning to ride a bike can actually create fear.

The hardest skill, balance, has never been learnt. This is where the balance bike enters...

Designed for a toddler and in some cases from as soon as they can walk, the balance bike promotes the child's independence from the beginning. You are actually encouraged not to assist them.

They have two wheels, no pedals or sprockets and the child simply straddles the bike and moves it by walking along. As the child's confidence improves they get faster at their own pace and it all becomes fun. There is an ever increasing range of balance bike available now in the UK, from wooden bikes through to the stronger metal lightweight bikes.

When considering a balance bike check that the bike is light and easy to control and designed for toddlers - the lightest balance bikes are 3.1 K.g so lighter than a newborn and easy for a 2 year old to lift up themselves. That the bike is strong enough and won't break and that it has puncture proof tyres - easy to maintain.

Check it has a footrest! This is important as it helps balance when coasting down hills, and the children need somewhere to rest feet going over bumps. When adults cycle over bumps we take the impact in our legs, by resting feet on pedals - if we were to leave our feet dangling...well need I say more!

Finally you want the most adjustable bike out there so that it does grow with your child and they can use it for a few years. Adjustable handlebars and seat positions in any increment are the best so it fits your child at any stage.

That it looks like a bike! Toddlers at some stage, want to imitate older children and whilst one bike looks great to a 2 year old, be-aware they might not think it is so cool when they reach 4! After all, some bikes are designed for 1- 5 years of age- lets buy them a bike that they will like for that long!

Karen Wood set up Strider Bike UK, to introduce this revolutionary new balance bike the Strider PreBike to the UK. We accept all major cards either on our site or by calling 01926 339107. We are also recruiting dealers across the UK or in Europe.

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Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey - A Must-Have Toy

Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey is poised to be this year's Christmas sell-out toy. It's not the most sophisticated toy on the market but it's remote controlled with a repertoire of rude gestures which has been tipped as a Christmas favorite by the big toy shops. This kind of 'virtual pet' gift was very popular last year and this cheeky Monkey is expected to be huge this year.

The British independent toymaker Wow! Stuff, have warned that they are unlikely to meet the demand leading up to Christmas and could end up being the toy every child wants but no parent can buy. Toys R Us are behind the surge in demand in the US where they have listed Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey among its top Christmas buys across its 580 stores there. The toys are made in two factories in China and they have just opened a third to cope with demand. Originally planned to supply 250,000 of the toys with 200,000 of those in the UK, the third factory will boost production by another 450,000 but many of those will not arrive on the shelves in time for Christmas. The UK should receive around 70% of its demand but only around 10% of the US demand of around one million Monkeys will be met in that time. Parents are being urged to shop extra early this Christmas to avoid being disappointed.

Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey is very engaging and although primarily aimed at the 5 to 12 age range, he seems popular among young people up to 24 years old and beyond. Described by some as simply irresistible, he can be charming, adorable, cute and mischievous all at the same time.

The Monkey is mounted on the shoulder and at just 20cm (8 inches) tall, looks very realistic, like a small black squirrel monkey with white fur around his pink face and has pink hands and feet. He is operated with a remote control unit which can make it sing, laugh, break wind, burp, blow raspberries and turn its head and wave. With the remote control hidden away in your pocket, you can interact with your friends and passers-by and they will think it is a real cheeky Monkey, performing tricks and amusing everyone.

Dave The Funky Shoulder Monkey comes in an attractive gift box containing the monkey and the remote control unit. All you will need is a 9V battery to bring him to life.

For more great ideas for all family and friends this Christmas, visit

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